I’m turning 33 tomorrow, and it’s been the best year of my life. I truly believe that we all have what it takes to become more attractive, in better shape, and even more energetic as we get older. This year, I would like to share with you guys a few things that have improved my life. My goal is for everyone who reads this blog to become Rich, Fit and Confident.
This is the first year I’ve been wealthy, the first time in a long time that I’m in a stable, loving, long term relationship with a girl that I genuinely love, and it helps that even though I’m almost in my mid thirties, I’m in the best shape of my life.
I somehow won the 2014 Top Ten PUA Coach of the year award even though I only had time to teach 2 bootcamps the entire year. I even had a student try to pay for me to fly me out for a private 1 on 1 this month but I honestly just don’t have time. But I want to give back. I don’t want to be one of those guys who finally figured it out while everyone else struggles.
So here it is, my birthday present to you guys.
Start with your Diet:
Coming 2014 Bulletproof Diet Book
Free Info on the diet.
Focus on your Workout:
Either do a foundations course at your local (make sure it’s good) CrossFit Gym or use get a personal trainer at your local gym to teach you proper form and do the Stronglifts 5×5 program yourself.
Start a Business:
This almost sounds like the most common sense in the world, but it’s something I put off for 32 years. Life is better when you have money. Life is also easier when you are wealthy, things like should I pay more to eat healthier no longer become an issue, and things like hiring a personal trainer become a no brainer. I’ve always been frugal my entire life, but ever since I decided to become rich, I stopped taking shortcuts, put in the work, and I am seriously happier than ever because of it. The course I took to learn how to build an online business is AntonMethod.com
Stop Chasing Women:
As some of you know, I took an entire year off of chasing women. I focused entirely on improving myself, and becoming genuinely attractive. The results? As soon as I started going out again, hooking up with girls became a cake walk. I was literally hooking up with two new girls every single week. And then, I met the girl of my dreams and have been with her ever since.
Make this year the year that you become a real man. Become genuinely happy. Become rich, fit and confident and have the best birthday you’ve ever had.
Johnny Wolf